Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Kom ut

Nakenbadernes ville forsøk
på å klandre deg for suksess,
er ikke omgjort i en fei.

Og forstå meg feil, så ville du
fortsatt med å klandre
det livet du kjempet så hardt for å
beholde, med klærne på.


Saturday, October 22, 2016

Time after time

you envelope more breath in dolce vita.

come together in cleansed matrimony for wisdom useless to the wonders of reunited souls.



Sunday, March 1, 2015

Syllabus of love

God is the betterness of tomorrow
It is the sweetness of the chord of a syllabus of love noted in your speech

It is the core unit we love to go mesmerized into
when we cuddle up in our tight pyjamas
and the nefariousness of religion
spends hallowing the tone of freckles speaking the same
songs of hearts listening together
to infinite syllabus of hearts

beating together

To make songs you already dreamt of
Songs you already knew

It is the Godlenght in our speech that make us blossom
and flower for forgiveness
It is the true chord of lifelenght

And God is within each breath of hope

To be martyred is never the end.

It is a prosperous beginning of energized victims of hatred belonging together
for harvest to soar into dignity
Seldom will these goings start to unburden the pain of being pure at heart

To be mesmerized of the pain of being pure at heart is your dwelling point
And here lies God within God

Your beauty stands out for the mesmerized masses to follow

the end is within each soul of the journey
and the start must never lie down to our arrogant smothering.


Friday, August 15, 2014


den er ditt hjerte smerte
i full vigør for ditt hjerteslag
og lengselen dryppende tikkende stikkende utover den leien
dere begge skulle hvile


Thursday, June 5, 2014


Live troubleshooting stars
into heavenly recorded dreams of prophets unspoken for
And hereby my dearest
are starts of careers

and swimmers can never float
and hereby may lords overcome
carefree spirits of young

Come carefully adept and sink into me
My carefree soul of depths

and swimmers can never float
sink into the void of unconsciousness
live happily ever after

greet them well gone
and get adept

for the sake of your son


Tuesday, June 11, 2013


Be humble
Remember why

Walk humble through life

Follow your heart
Follow your heart

Be humble in your heart
Follow your humble heart

Your heart is your truth


To believe

Believe what is
is what to believe
While sometimes your heart aches
you do not know what to believe
Believe just that and learn
that is what to believe

To believe changes
what is change
change is
Believe in present
present is

Love is present

to believe
