Saturday, November 3, 2012

Whales and Gorillas

In the streets of one harbour town
where the sky is blue
and the flowers keep shifting colours from yellow to golden
There are sharks in the pool and dolphins too

A sailorman tells me that whales will visit soon
I drop my coffee, decline the wine.

I run towards the pool, jump in and swim out to sea, the sharks and dolphins, follow me

I swim into the bull's way and wave

The whale grabs me by his nose I try to ride, but he refuses to let go
He pushes me right out of sea and back to shore

Disappointed I take my backpack and start to walk
I collect my kids from different shelters
Our house is too big and we leave for the hills

Climbing up with a descending sun and purple sea
the flowers here shift from yellow to golden

A farmer has told me to sit here and wait

Out from the bush comes Chimpanzees, Gorillas and Tasmanian Devils

What a sight

We go to their village
want to sell crafts that look like wonders

It is beautiful
I need it
and when I offer some coins

The Gorilla laughs
